Thursday, March 09, 2006

On Patriotism

What does it mean to be a patriot? More importantly, if one is a patriot, how does that manifest itself in one's life? Well, first we can consider what does not constitute patriotism. An American flag decal on your car does not make you a patriot. A mindless support of all government actions, regardless of cost or ideology, is actually the antithesis of patriotism. Governments are not infallible entities, and like all human endeavors, prone to error and the law of unintended consequences. To demand thoughtless, unexamined and illogical loyalty to a particular leader or party is not patriotic, indeed, it is the worst kind of cult worship.

A true patriot recognizes that, as much as he loves his country, it is not perfect and can always be improved. He knows that at any time his nation's leadership can take a wrong turn, leading the country in a poor or dangerous direction, or sometimes even making decisions that can undermine the very things that make our nation what it is. He knows what it is he loves about his country, what it represents that makes his chest swell with pride, and enough of its history to worry about its future.

So if you consider yourself a patriot, and you're not Glenn Reynolds, Assrocket or Alberto Gonzales, then you have to ask: Under the circumstances we find ourselves in today, what does my heartfelt patriotism require me to do? I would suggest you look to Cindy Sheehan and John Murtha and speak the truth. Don't fear the labels they'll apply to you out of fear. You are NOT a traitor, you are not "emboldening" the enemy, and if this actually is "wartime", its unlike any other wartime in recorded history. Speak the truth. Our children's lives are being wasted in the name of corporate profits and Bush's ego, and we must get them out. Our long-term economic survival as a nation is being put at risk, there is no concern for the less fortunate, science and education are being undermined, and there is tremendous opportunity for things to get much, much worse in the next few years. So speak up. Speak out. Write your congresscritter, write your senator, write your newspaper, write a blog. Talk to journalists--hold their feet to the fire. Don't let them cover over egregious behavior out of fear. Support progressive candidates in your region. If you have money, contribute. If you don't, consider donating some time. If you are a patriot, it is your duty to right this ship of state before it becomes something unrecognizable, and ugly. Face it-we are living under a dictatorship/police state now, and it is our obligation to reverse this movement before they can simply lock us up, or worse, to silence us.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Brian Harber said...

Speak the truth brother. At no other time in my short life can I remember this country being so close minded to what is happening to this country. In the past 5 years we have seen a government invade a country that posed no real threat to this nation and created a society that is afraid. This is America and we are not afraid, but this government wants us to be. They control with fear and they are doing a good job. But that’s the only job they getting a passing grade on. This government fails to protect its citizens after natural disasters, from foreign countries controlling our energy sources where we should be focusing on renewable energies and so many other things it would take me weeks to list out. But the real truth is that this administration has controlled this country I love with lies, and suedo-babble that speaks to people that refuse to think for themselves. Maybe we are getting what we deserve since we have people who get their news from the Daily show. Where is this country headed, I don’t know but I am truly concerned that we are headed into a downward spiral that we will not be able to pull out of in time to save ourselves and maybe this planet from self destruction.


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